BigBrother 라는.. 플러그인인데..
간단하게 설명하자면..

마인크래프트 내에서.. 일어나는 모든 로그를 저장하고... 그걸 확인하는 플러그인이다.

예를 들어...
우리집 앞에.. 누가 없던 땅을 파 놓았다..
라면... 확인할 길이 없지만...

이걸 이용해서..

/bb here 라고 명령어를 치면..
누가 이곳을 수정했는지 이름이 나온다.

사라진것이 아니라... 누군가.. 다른 블럭으로 교체를 했다고 하면..

/bb stick 이라고 치고..

우클릭을 하면.. 누가 수정했는지도 알려준다.


That's a nice list, but what can I really do with BB?
I'll give you a few scenarios in which BB can really come to the rescue.

   1. Complete Grief Rollback: A griefer, meanieguy, comes and starts griefing away when your admins are away. And when I say grief, I mean grief. He gets his hands on buckets of lava, TNT, and goes to town. By the time an admin gets back on, meanieguy and half of your town is gone. The admin can quickly and easily identify that meanieguy was the crook using /bb here or the SuperSticks. After that, all he has to do is issue the command:

/bb rollback meanieguy, and everything is back to normal. Flows of lava is cleaned up, TNT explosions have been fixed, welcome signs are back with their sometimes-odd text, chests are back with their original contents, and your users are happy

   2. Specific Rollbacks: A couple of your (typically good) server members get a little carried away when making modifications to someone else's building. You don't want to rollback all their changes, but only in a particular area and within a certain period of time. You can just use:

/bb rollback tw3dled3 tw3dledum t:1d5h r:20, and that will rollback just their changes, within a 20 block radius and within the past 1 days and 5 hours.

   3. Building Identification: Ever stumble across a building that is either so good or so bad that you have to know whose it was? By using /bb stick 1, you'll get a stick that will let you identify who placed or modifed which blocks.
/bb stick 2 will give you a log that will let you inspect "air", water, and lava blocks (basically things that aren't rightclick-able).

   4. Creeper Rollbacks: Creepers are annoying for a two reasons: they kill you and they blow up your stuff. Thankfully, BigBrother can take care of reason 2. If a creeper blocks up the side of your building, you can quickly fix it by using

/bb rollback Environment r:5. This will rollback any environmental changes within 5 blocks.

*With the current version of BigBrother, you may have to do more work to rollback TNT, burnt blocks, and lava. Currently, these are logged as "Environment" (as it's difficult to match these actions up to a specific player). So rolling back meanieguy and Environment with a good time argument will easily take care of this.
